Het nieuwe UIS Bulletin, nr. 64-2 van december 2022 is verschenen en hier te downloaden als pdf: http://uis-speleo.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/uisb642.pdf
De 108 pagina's van deze uitgave hebben o.a. de volgende artikelen:
- The UIS back at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris to talk to the world about karst aquifers
- The first years of the UIS by the Past President Arrigo Cigna
- The UIS and its global recognition
- The newly elected Bureau 2022-2025
- Reports of UIS-commissions
- Minutes of the UIS Bureau meetings and General Assembly
- The UIS Archive in Postojna, Slovenia
- The Cave Time Capsule that will only be opened in 2091
- Updated news about the 19th ICS in Brazil and its excursions